Frontend Frameworks in 2024: React, Svelte and Vue
Several years ago, Art+Logic settled on Vue.js as our preferred frontend Web framework. Now, in 2024, we feel it's time to revisit the frontend framework landscape to see how things have (or haven't) changed.
FastAPI: A High-Performance Python Framework for Rapid Web Development
FastAPI is a modern and high-performance Python web framework designed specifically for building APIs and web applications quickly and efficiently. Developed by Sebastián Ramírez and first released in 2018, FastAPI has rapidly gained traction in the developer community thanks to its focus on providing key features for API and web app development with excellent performance.
Using PostgreSQL for Pub/Sub
A+L has been working on a Single Page Application (SPA) wherein our client's users take on the role of Staff Users (think: project managers) as they aid their Customer Users in using the application to complete a complex project.
Builidng Universal FFmpeg Custom Binaries
I am using a very pared down set of FFMpeg features for a macOS project that I build into a custom library. I had a script set up to configure the build which worked fine on my Intel based MacBook Pro. Then I upgraded to an Apple Silicon MacBookPro and wanted to run natively, or at least see what happened when I did. To build, FFMpeg uses autoconf which produces a makefile that then handles the build.
Thinking Like a Programmer: Heuristics
We want to help you turbo-charge your decision making.
Don't Give Up on Semantic HTML
Since the early days of the Web, there has been tension between the ideal of "semantic HTML" and the practical reality of designing complex page layouts, which often could not be achieved without inserting style concerns into the document. More recently, frameworks like Tailwind CSS have emerged which challenge the very idea that semantic HTML is an ideal to strive for, and which commit to thoroughly embedding style concerns into HTML documents. With modern CSS features however, semantic HTML is more achievable than ever, and I do think it remains a worthy goal.
Thinking Like a Programmer: Escaping Text
In this progressive and vivid explanation, we explore the HOW and WHY of quoting, nesting, and escaping text.
Forget About [Code] Style
Good code style, being highly subjective, is something often debated among developers. After all, we spend more time reading code than writing it, so it's worth making sure our code is styled to be as easy as possible to read and to understand. On the other hand, deciding upon and continuously enforcing a style is also time-consuming, and the benefits are near-impossible to quantify. Given that modern code formatting tools can fully automate the process, is it still worth fretting about style?
"Bad" Code (Or, Why Software Development is Hard)
Recently, the Dutch government open-sourced the iOS application for their "DigiD" authentication service. A tweet with a snippet of that source code, presumably making fun of it, blew up into a debate about whether mocking it is even justified. The amount of debate over such a simple snippet of code highlights, in my mind, just how tricky software development can be.